First GIF Post Office Second GIF
Wait, I forgot my postage stamps at home!

So you want to leave a comment, huh?

Maybe you want to let us know about some factual errors we might've made, or you just want to add on to the conjecture. The most likely scenario is you want to tell us how swagalicious our reviews are. Whatever the case may be, all you have to do is write an email to That's Lesley with a 'y'. Please, don't be like every Starbucks employee ever, don't spell my name Leslie.

In the email, just specify your pen name and what review you'd like to comment on. If you want your pen name to be a fancy color or have a gif next to it, let me know and I'll devote a weekend to figuring out how to code that. But it'll be worth it. Probably.

Example Comment Section

Robert Christgau

October 18, 1965

Yawn, these reviews stink! I can write way better than the bozos who run this site. In fact, give me five years and I guarantee people will be calling me the dean of rock critics!

Nick Mason

February 14, 1971

LOL @ the guy above me. It's been over five years and no one calls him the dean of rock critics. I agree this review of "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by Crash Test Dummies stinks, though.

Crown Robert Christgau Crown

March 22, 1971

Oh yeah, real stinging words from the guy who wrote "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party". I'm so wounded. What, don't you have another thirteen-minute drum solo to write? I'll have you know that I am the self-proclaimed dean of rock critics, so it doesn't matter if other people call me that or not. Just to drive the point home, Leslie, can you go ahead and put some crown gifs next to my pen name?

(Editor's note: Deans don't wear crowns.)